Toronto Before
Photo Books
Toronto Before: A Look into the Past
(2nd Edition)
Look into the Past E2
Look into the Past E2 showcases some of my favorite Toronto Then and Now Mash-ups from 2010 to 2014. You will find a great variety from my Classic, Arches, Faded and People Remix Series. Released in May of 2015, A look Into the Past is now available for purchase from Blurb.com as well as Amazon.com. Click here for details.
Toronto Before: A Look into the Past
(Limited Edition)
Look into the Past was originally put together as a mother’s day gift for my mother back in 2011. Thirty-six then and now Toronto mash-ups of Toronto before and Toronto present. In 2013 A look into the past was released to the public, in a limited edition, as a fundraising tool to raise funds for the relief efforts after Typhoon Haiyan had devastated the Philippines. Proceeds from the sale of this book went to ADRA Canada who still have a big role in the relief work in and around the effected region. Copies of this book are still available and proceeds will be forward to ADRA Canada. Please contact for availablity.
Toronto Before: A Then and Now Series
(Limited Edition)
A Then and Now series was originally put together as a mother’s day gift for my mother back in 2013 and will be relaesed to the public in the sumer of 2015.